the trailer
We are literally the ashes of long dead stars or, if you’re less romantic, we’re the nuclear waste from the fuel that kept those old stars shining.
—Martin Rees

LONDON, October 21, 2022—LUCIAN is pleased to present Placed Into An Abyss, an exhibition of work made in London during this pandemic years of 20-22.
‘This exhibition is a breakthrough I am making. It’s the idea of being much more explicit about the palette and the painting through dots of paint applied directly from the tube as they would be to the mixing palette. And then placing what I’m doing in a long line of artists looking at dots, spots, circles and spheres. In the end it’s about the elemental and the universal and how we - people - encapsulate that. And how artists continuously come back to this theme because it’s so basic. In a mind expanding way…’

‘... like nature, and as a part of nature, we keep repeating ourselves. Mise en abyme is a formal technique of placing a copy of an image within itself, often in a way that suggests an infinitely recurring sequence. The term is derived from heraldry and literally means placed into an abyss. I love that, it feels poetic, and for me it sort of summarises all art ever really.’